Monday, 12 January 2009

Suzzan B aka 'Goddess of Gore'

Opens February 13th, 2009, at 7 p.m. at 'Resistance Gallery' in London, featuring a live performance by The McCarricks.

Interested in psychology, physiognomy and body language, works by British painter Suzzan Blac are not for the faint of heart.
Negative feelings, pain, anger and frustration are the motives behind them, often making them uncomfortable to look at through their intense, direct expression of strong emotions. Blac is interested in the darker aspects of human feeling: her latest series of paintings, to be seen at Strychnin Gallery’s new London collaboration partner 'Resistance Gallery', is about the sexual and social conditioning and exploitation of females.

Suzzan Blac loves the colour, translucence and mobile quality achieved by painting in oils.
Using only her imagination, she starts all of her work with a blank canvas and a subconscious doodle, creating intense images by channeling her own emotions and by reflecting the viewer’s mind into her work: laughter, repulsion or amazement, sometimes all combined into one. She considers herself a surrealist through whose art we can observe the innermost thoughts of another human being without feeling intrusive, and thus have the capacity to connect, identify and react to the universal insights that can be found in her paintings.

Known in the scene as the 'Goddess of Gore', Suzzan has had a cult following with her paintings, and has graced many magazines with articles over her controversial work. With her first solo show she is set to shock and impress any visitor. (This exhibition is an over '16's' event due to the graphic nature of the works.)

Her latest series of works deals with the pressure exerted upon women by the media to conform to outside standards of beauty and physical perfection, as well as social conditioning to become beautiful ornaments and sexual objects, all of which can result in detrimental effects such as eating disorders, dangerous plastic surgery, and lack of self-worth brought on by feelings of inadequacy, especially in young girls and teenagers. Focusing on the realm of pornography with Playboy merchandise aimed at girls as young as eight, Blac questions the effect the industry may have on the personal development of these young minds, and consequently on their adult personalities.

“A Basement of Dolls” depicts women with mutilated bodies adorned with lingerie and other stereotypical visuals of a sexualized point of view, such as exaggerated lips, doll’s bodies or stylized reproductive organs, vividly colored hair and overdone make-up. They call attention to our concepts of beauty and also of intimacy, causing us to question our own ideals regarding beauty and gender, and those imposed upon us by the media and society.

With galleries in three bustling hotspots – New York City, Berlin, and London – Strychnin Gallery is a playground for artists from all around the globe. It is a place where collaboration is encouraged, new projects are constantly developed and creativity is the one and only thing that truly counts.

Owned by charismatic curator Yasha Young, Strychnin is dedicated to presenting emerging American artists to the European art world and vice versa. It features a variety of artists with particular individual styles rather than artists belonging to a collective “hip” movement. If you insist on putting a label on them, try lowbrow turned highbrow, pop surrealism or fantastic realism among others.

When Garry Vanderhorne decided to expand his already well known location (for fetish & avant garde events with Music, Art and Performance) to be an upcoming Gallery space, Strychnin saw it's potential. Yasha Young and Garry Vanderhorne soon teamed up to present the first solo exhibition ever for Suzzan Blac!

Resistance Gallery is fast becoming London's top underground performance venue and gallery space to take notice of.
With amazing reviews and support from 'Time Out", "Bizarre Magazine" and the "London Fetish Scene", 'Resistance' proved to be the ideal collaborative partner for Strychnin.
"Vanderhorne is incredibly selective as to what kind of show he lends his name too and has been very supportive of experimental and grassroots shows, events and artist."
It is set to be a very special event with a haunting live performance from the highly acclaimed 'McCarricks' as well as guest DJ's and a chance to meet the Artist.

NB: Most of Suzzan B's art is too shocking for publication and therfore difficult and rare to see.

So we look forward to seeing you there, 7pm till late,
on 'Black Friday', February 13th for the exclusive exhibition opening party!

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